Iraq Medical Physics Society

The mission of IMPS is to advance medical physics practice in IRAQ by disseminating scientific and technical information, fostering the educational and professional development of medical physicists, and promoting the highest quality medical services for patients.

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التدريب السريري للفيزيائيين الطبيين
بعد الأعتماد الدولي والذي يعتبر لأول مرة في العراق، تعلن الجمعية العراقيه للفيزياء الطبية وبالتعاون مع مؤسسة وارث الدولية لعلاج الأورام عن فتح باب التقديم لبرنامج التدريب السريري للفيزيائيين الطبيين في تخصص علاج الأورام بالإشعاع
تم تأليف وأصدار كتاب للبروفيسور الدكتور تقي الموسوي
للأستفسار والتواصل عن طريق الجمعية العراقيه للفيزياء الطبية عبر الارقام ادناه
009647859022349 / 009647731344668

Who We Are

The Iraqi Medical Physics Society was established in accordance with the ministerial order issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 9093 on 29/9/2011. The Iraqi Medical Physics Society is a scientific organization for Iraqi medical physicists, specialists and groups working in the field of radiation treatment of cancerous tumors, radiological diagnosis, nuclear medicine and prevention of cancer. Radiation, medical applications of lasers, applications of medical nanotechnology and other specialties of health physics, which are open to all workers in specializations that fall into the field of physical applications in medicine, provided that they are qualified and according to the bylaws of the association.

The Iraqi Medical Physics Society President

Dr. Mustafa Al-Musawi—Society President
Dear Colleagues, I, personally as the Chairman of the Iraqi Society for Medical Physics, pleased to welcome you to the Society’s new website, which has been designed to facilitate the sharing of information in the field of medical physics throughout Iraq
The Iraqi Society for Medical Physics hopes to be a scientific and social platform for all Iraqi medical physicists and to be a real supporter for them to develop their competence and establish a solid scientific base in order to create efficient generations of medical physicists

Results of MEFOMP Election for the new ExCom 2022-2025
– Science Committee: Mustafa Al-Musawi Click here to visit MEFOMP Election


Fundamentals of radiotherapy and it’s chain

ورشة عمل أقامت الجمعية العراقية للفيزياء الطبية وبالتعاون مع كلية الطب/ جامعة النهرين  ورشة عمل بعنوان  Fundamentals of radiotherapy and it’s chain وعلى قاعة المؤتمرات

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امكانية استخدام العلاج الاشعاعي المجسم باستخدام المعجل الخطي بدل عن العلاج بجهاز السايبر نايف او جهاز الكاما نايف

اقامت الجمعية العراقية للفيزياء الطبية بالتعاون مع شعبة التعليم المستمر في كلية الطب/جامعة بغداد على قاعة الكندي ورشة عمل علمية بعنوان ” امكانية استخدام العلاج

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More physics is needed to advance the practice of precision medicine. This idea is driving research agendas, like that of the National Cancer Institute which funds Maryland’s Proton Treatment Center. In addition to research, leading scientists are also forming new partnerships such as GMED to connect the physicists directly with those in the medical sciences field in a way that hasn’t done before.
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